A chance encounter at a Manchester train station propelled 22-year-old Kay Ska

Photo by @kay_ska A chance encounter at a Manchester train station propelled 22-year-old Kay Ska (@kay_ska) to found MH Stories (@mh_stories_), a blog on a mission to raise awareness and put an end to the stigma around mental health issues. Kay, who started having panic attacks when she was 10 years old, was traveling home for her birthday when one struck. “I had loads of bags with me. I couldn’t really move. No one paid much attention, but there was this one guy who worked there.” He came over to Kay and treated her with compassion and care. “He started talking to me about how he was struggling with panic attacks over the last few years. After, when I was back on the train, I looked at everyone so different: Anyone could be struggling with anything,” she says. “The idea behind MH Stories has always been to realize and remember that we are not alone in our struggles. It’s been over two years since I created MH Stories, and I don’t feel alone.” These days, Kay, who is originally from Poland and now lives in England’s North West, works to support others on their journey through self-love coaching. She credits therapy and her community to helping her step toward recovery. “I only started therapy after reading other people’s stories that were shared on my blog — because I realized, I deserve help, too,” she says. “Once I started doing that, it just felt like I was growing as a person and actually finding things I’m passionate about. The past two years have been about who Kay is.” May is #MentalHealthAwareness Month. Check out today’s story to learn Kay’s top tips for self-love. 💕


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